Erfurt Office


Erfurt Office

Insolvency administration in Thuringia

BRRS Attorneys-at-Law

Richard-Breslau-Straße 5
99094 Erfurt

Phone: +49 (0) 361 22 95 97 5 - 0
Fax: +49 (0) 361 22 95 97 5 - 1

Erfurt was opened as the BRRS office in Thuringia in 2019. For BRRS, this development was the logical next step following the establishment of the offices in Melsungen and Eschborn in neighboring Hesse.

BRRS partner Jutta Rüdlin manages the office with the support of her team.

Your contact at the
Erfurt office

Jutta Rüdlin – Rechtsanwältin, Partnerin – BRRS Melsungen

Jutta Rüdlin

The Staff at the
Erfurt Office

Our Team of Attorneys in Erfurt

Jutta Rüdlin

Attorney-at-law, partner, insolvency administrator, trustee

Our Assistants and Clerks in Erfurt

Claudia Brandt

Clerk for consumer insolvency

Kristina Brauhardt

Clerk for corporate and standard insolvencies


Do you have a question? Would you like to apply for a position? Don’t hesitate to contact us…