Eschborn Office


Eschborn Office

Insolvency administration in the greater Frankfurt area

BRRS Attorneys-at-Law

Hauptstraße 83
65760 Eschborn

Phone: +49 (0) 6196 77 906 – 0
Fax: +49 (0) 6196 77 906 – 20

Activities at the Eschborn office relate largely to the area of insolvency administration, but restructuring and reorganization are significant fields of activity as well. Moreover, Dr. Schlegel has been appointed as a civil-law notary public.

Guidance and support for highly complex private bankruptcies of wealthy individuals are as much a part of daily work here as sophisticated corporate insolvencies — often in the real estate sector and for startups.

Attorney and civil-law notary public Dr. Stephan Schlegel, founding partner of BRRS Attorneys-at-Law, leads a team of two attorneys supported by two assistants and three clerks for corporate and standard insolvencies.

Your contact at the
Eschborn office

Dr. Stephan Schlegel – Rechtsanwalt, Notar – BRRS Eschborn

Dr. Stephan Schlegel

Reference Proceedings from Eschborn

Weitzel Gebäudedienste GmbH

Proceedings: Standard Insolvency Proceedings

Industry: Facility cleaning service

Administrator: Dr. Stephan Schlegel

Private Bankruptcy

Proceedings: Insolvency Plan Proceedings

Industry: Private Bankruptcy

Administrator: Dr. Stephan Schlegel

The Staff at the
Eschborn Office

Our Team of Attorneys in Eschborn

Dr. Stephan Schlegel – Rechtsanwalt, Notar – BRRS Eschborn

Dr. Stephan Schlegel

Lawyer, attorney-at-law, N.Y., civil-law notary public, partner, insolvency administrator, trustee

Our Assistants and Clerks in Eschborn

Lydia Lammel


Snjezana Marburger

Clerk for corporate and standard insolvencies

Monika Ritterrath

Litigation settlements and enforcement

Corinna Rudolph


Nadine Wedler

Clerk for standard and consumer insolvency

Latest News
and Status of Proceedings from Eschborn

Do you have a question? Would you like to apply for a position? Don’t hesitate to contact us…