Initial situation
Die Deutsche Großwälzlager GmbH beantragte am 12. Dezember 2022 die Eröffnung des Insolvenzverfahrens vor dem Amtsgericht Rostock. Das Unternehmen stellt mit 30 Mitarbeitern hochwertige Rollen- und Drehverbindungen her. Im Rahmen des Antragsverfahrens gelang es, neben den bestehenden Aufträgen neue Aufträge vor allem aus dem europäischen Ausland zu akquirieren.
The Insolvency Proceedings
Insolvency proceedings were opened on 1 March 2023. Business operations were able to continue until 30 April 2023 before insolvency administrator Ulrich Rosenkranz was able to sell them to a new group of shareholders as part of an asset deal on 1 May 2023. All jobs were retained. The period of business continuation was used intensively to generate new orders from Germany and abroad so that the new company, DGWL Deutsche Großwälzlager GmbH, was able to continue working with full order books.
The Result
The company was successfully sold. The business operations remain intact. All jobs were saved.