Working at BRRS

Locally and nationally activ

This is how we work

  • We are specialists: all partners and attorneys select certain industries or topics to be the focus of their work.
  • We think analytically: our work methods are sound in their structure, concepts, and strategies.
  • The methodological sights of our work are fixed firmly on the objectives. We define the goals that must be achieved and appropriate procedures for their achievement in advance.
  • We consider the fine distinctions among events as they occur. We look at a situation from all sides and accept convincing arguments from others when they have a better solution. We determine our actions in every single case in accordance with specific circumstances.

Our attitude

  • We act independently and impartially. For us, this means that we perform the role of the insolvency administrator in its original sense regardless of how the engagement came about and of any personal relationships.
  • We are loyal and feel committed to the debtor and the creditors in equal measure. We stand fully behind and for one another on our internal team, even in difficult times.
  • We have a social conscience. Human warmth and solutions that are justifiable from a human perspective are important to us, which is another reason why we regularly take on pro bono cases.
  • We are open to new ideas and experiences. We are inquisitive and curious and we like to learn, which is why we are involved in the work of associations and why we publish and discuss innovations intensively and with a regard for fine distinctions.

The typical BRRS office culture

  • We behave authentically. We are truthful and genuine in our dealings with one another, honest and open in our interactions.
  • We are reliable in what we do. We do not make promises we cannot keep.
  • We are unambiguous. We take a clearly comprehensible approach and make unambiguous statements.
  • The quality of our services is multifaceted. We are a heterogeneous team that benefits from its differences and the diversity of opinion.

A clear and efficient structure

  • We are locally and digitally organized. We work at five independent, but closely interconnected offices. We use the same IT landscape and work with modern collaboration tools such as Microsoft Teams.
  • We cultivate interconnected thinking and working. We collaborate in the management of our association of law firms, we regularly share information with one another — and we take the same approach to our work with and for our clients.
  • We work together on engagements across office boundaries and can also assign team members from multiple offices to engagements.

This is what the BRRS 360° crisis management does for you:

  • We are happy at the end of a long journey when assets have been increased AND the company has been saved. Our overriding goals are to satisfy creditors, stabilize the company, and guide it into a more secure future.
  • We have often found creative approaches to solutions because our orientation in our actions is to solutions, not problems. We cooperate with creditors and debtors to find workable solutions.
  • We assume entrepreneurial responsibility and do not retreat to the confines of the legally defined role. In our capacity as (provisional) insolvency administrators or trustees, we also assume entrepreneurial responsibility as shareholders or managing directors if this benefits the company and secures its continued operation.