Lea Bonczek
Trainee legal assistant
Whenever an employer becomes insolvent, a multitude of questions arise. Will I get my money? When will I get my money? What happens next? There is no one single answer that can cover every situation at this point.
What we can say is that employees’ wages are covered by insolvency benefits for three months.
Whether the insolvency benefits can be prefinanced for the employees — with the approval of the employment agency — for fast financial relief is examined in every single case. Our procedures include convocation of a works meeting as soon as possible so that employees can be given accurate information. Contact us or collect your questions and forward them to us yourself, via your works council, or another person you trust.
Click here for our Claim Registration and our Information Leaflet in PDF format.
Click on the following link to apply for insolvency benefits:
The relevant laws can be found by clicking on the following link:
The insolvency courts of the Federal Republic of Germany publish the announcements that must be made when a petition for insolvency proceedings has been filed with the court on this internet site:
Trainee legal assistant
Clerk for consumer insolvency
Clerk for corporate and standard insolvencies
Clerk for standard and consumer insolvencies
Clerk for corporate and standard insolvencies
Clerk for standard and consumer insolvencies
Insolvency accounting
Clerk for corporate and standard insolvencies
Clerk for consumer insolvency
Clerk for standard and consumer insolvencies
Clerk for standard and consumer insolvencies
Litigation settlements and enforcement
Clerk for standard and consumer insolvency
Clerk for standard and consumer insolvency
Decades of experience in insolvency administration
office dogs
founding year
appointments as insolvency administrators, trustees, expert witnesses, assessors, fiduciaries since 1986
years of professional experience as insolvency administrators, trustees, expert witnesses, assessors, fiduciaries
cumulative years of service to the firm by the employees on the BRRS team