Bonn Office


Bonn Office

Insolvency administration in the greater Cologne and Bonn area

BRRS Attorneys-at-Law

In der Sürst 3
53111 Bonn

Phone: +49 (0) 228 28 68 51-20
Fax: +49 (0) 228 28 68 51-21

The recently established BRRS office in Bonn is managed by attorney Markus Ritterrath.

The many years of experience Mr. Ritterrath has gained from his work as an attorney establish his outstanding qualifications for the work he does as an insolvency and property administrator, regardless of the industry in which the enterprise operates. Administration work focuses on safeguarding the interests of creditors and protecting the insolvency assets. In addition, companies, their officers and directors and their creditors are counseled in all areas of their business operations.

The Bonn office is supported by Dr. Stephan Schlegel, attorney-at-law and civil-law notary public, two assistants, and a clerk for corporate and ordinary insolvency proceedings. In addition, there is an office partnership with other attorneys, so consultation with lawyers from other areas of expertise is readily available.

Your contact at the
Bonn office

BRRS Rechtsanwälte - Rechtsanwalt Markus Ritterrath

Markus Ritterrath

The Staff at the
Bonn Office

Our Team of Attorneys in Bonn

Dr. Stephan Schlegel – Rechtsanwalt, Notar – BRRS Eschborn

Dr. Stephan Schlegel

Lawyer, attorney-at-law, N.Y., civil-law notary public, partner, insolvency administrator, trustee

Our Assistants and Clerks in Bonn

Lydia Lammel


Meike Kesting

Secretariat, insolvency accounting

Snjezana Marburger

Clerk for corporate and standard insolvencies


Do you have a question? Would you like to apply for a position? Don’t hesitate to contact us…