Jutta Rüdlin: Guest article in Existenz (September 2024) – Focus on new regulations for electronic creditor information systems

The Act on the Further Digitization of the Judiciary: New requirements for electronic creditor information systems

In September 2024, Existenz published a guest article by Jutta Rüdlin, insolvency administrator and partner at BRRS, which highlights the latest changes to insolvency law as a result of the Act on the Further Digitization of the Judiciary.

One major innovation is the obligation to maintain an electronic creditor information system (eGIS) for all proceedings, which now stipulates that insolvency administrators must provide an electronic creditor information system (eGIS) in all proceedings. This previously only applied to certain proceedings. The new regulation also affects self-administration proceedings, in which the debtor must provide the documents themselves.

In addition to the extension of the documents to be provided, such as appeal decisions, the article also highlights old and new practical problems arising from the changes. Another important point is the insolvency court’s access to these systems, which has now been established by law.

Despite the progress made, however, questions remain about practical implementation, particularly with regard to cost allocation and data protection aspects.

Read the full article and find out more about the impact of this reform on the practice of insolvency proceedings.